Tuesday, June 28, 2011

How to use Actions in Photoshop

Photoshop is a tool of the trade. If you are a photographer you spend time in Photoshop on a daily basis. One of the keys to faster post processing and template editing is knowing how to create an action. You know, those little timesavers with just a click of the mouse can save you so much time over the course of the day. If you are like me anything that can save you a few minutes is worth learning!

How to create an action in Photoshop

How to create an action in Photoshop from Angie Sandy on Vimeo.

  1. Open the image you want to use to create an action.
  2. Go to the action menu select the little arrow pointing down and select new action.
  3. Name your action and if you would like to assign it a function key you can do that here. Hit the record button
  4. Begin processing the image. In my example this is where I went to the layer menu and selected flatten.
  5. Next I went to the image menu and choose the image size of 650 pixels wide.
  6. Finally I went to the filters menu. I choose sharpen and selected unsharp mask. The amounts I used were 100% and radius .5
  7. Move over to the action menu and hit stop the recording.
  8. Now you have a complete action to flatten, resize and sharpen your image.

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